Talesha’s Story

I first heard of a postpartum doula through a childbirth education class that my husband and I were enrolled in. My first thought was, “I will not have another woman coming into my house and telling me what to do.”

But the more we listened to the doula describe how she serves families, the more interested I became. I was a first-time mother walking into the unknown without the support of family nearby, so I had to seek out some support. I needed someone that would not judge or criticize me, but rather someone that I could trust and confide in and not feel ashamed or embarrassed with.

Having a doula helped me to feel empowered. My body was changing in ways that I was not aware of, and postpartum depression was becoming very real, but my doula was there to support and educate me every step of the way.

She stepped in and helped build my confidence and was there supporting me and my family so that we could all be healthy mentally, physically, and emotionally. I would recommend a postpartum doula to any first-time mom and really, any mom … period.

Having someone to walk with you that will help build your confidence in caring for your baby, someone that will ensure your body is healing properly, someone that can and will provide support to the rest of your immediate family, and just that person that will listen to you without judgement, give you information, and support the decisions you make, is critical to thriving during the postpartum period. 


My Story