My Story

Life is often times filled with so many unknowns. There have been too many times where I have wished I would have done things differently or just “known better.” The joys of a degree earned, a new marriage, owning a home, and becoming a new mom are just some of life’s highlights that oftentimes leave us having false expectations in many ways.

When I found out that I was pregnant for the first time almost 18 years ago, at the age of 28, I was filled with excitement. I had a wonderful pregnancy and my husband and I were hearing all the stories of our friends birth experiences and all the advice of any and everyone that has had a child. We were ready, the nursery was ready, and we were just awaiting the arrival of this precious baby.

What I did not realize was that we were not well-informed about anything that happen once the labor process began. Having support outside of my husband was something that I did not know I needed — but looking back — was something that I desperately had to have.

After the birth of my first child and then 17 months later, the birth of my second, and then 18 months later, the birth of my third child, I was a physical and emotional wreck going through the days the best I could, but suffering all the while. I didn’t have that person that I could go to talk about the emotional roller coaster I was on and the physical pain that my body was in on a daily basis.

I was embarrassed because it “seemed” like other moms were thriving and enjoying their time with their new babies and their families were healthy, and meanwhile, I was falling apart at the seams. I suffered for many years when I really did not have to. Even after having my last baby in 2012, I still lacked that support that I needed physically and mentally.

I didn’t have any siblings that I could lean on or any family that lived close to me, friends would come and want to see the baby, but weren’t staying to help me physically or even sit and listen to me. Looking back, I wish I knew what a doula was because I know if I would have had a birth and postpartum doula, and my experiences could have been so much better.

I’m here now as The Fortified Doula because of something that I lacked, but want to provide to other women and families. Fortified means to make stronger or make more secure, improved, or enhanced through the addition of one or more ingredients.

Through my own personal experiences and professional training, I have and continue to enhance my knowledge and resources to provide women and families with support during that postpartum time that will enhance their lives and empower them to make the best informed decisions for their unique family. Having that person that will walk alongside you during those postpartum weeks and ensure mom is getting the physical and emotional support necessary is so important. Ensuring that her partner and other members of the family are supported in a variety of ways is equally important.

I am here to give you tools and a level of support that you choose in order for you transition with your newborn to be a positive experience. We as people can flourish when we have the right support system in place. The Fortified Doula will support you and strengthen you during one of the most sensitive times of your life, and I know that you will come away empowered. 



Talesha’s Story